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Showing posts from December, 2017


PONDER IT TWICE: POWER, POSITION AND POSSESSION DETERMINE BEHAVIOUR.  The true test of a man's real behaviour is when he's given power, position and possession. We look into people's respective lives and say if they are well behaved or not through facial expression considered general point of view, which is a weak means of affirming a true behaviour. Certain ways we behave due to the environment we've found ourselves, the type of relationship we keep, and the religion we doctrine.  When it comes to power, it's noted that 90% of human behaviour changes and the real them surface. It occurs to some people when a behaviour changes that the so called person is bad, fund of himself or many names is being affiliated to him. Many people may inculcate the habit of doing the right thing to attain power, and after power is given to them their true color emerges like a burning furnace. In other words, some people may be tough in their behaviour to get power, social sta


PONDER IT TWICE: MINIHAT WITH A MEANING IN HEART.  Just when they thought my pen ink was drying, the creator whose might is beyond any creature's imagination filled it to the brim through an epitome of beauty by heart, MINIHAT, like I have never seen one like her in this world. It occurs to me like dreams a behavior as wonderful and tenacious just as her second name implies, TENIOLA. Hnnmmm!!! Mr. Egalitarian.  By the one who created me and the ink, coupled with the pen, I write.  MINIHAT, I had said I would write something on your timeline, and I know that you would never have known for real what that write up would look like. I want to thank Allah for giving you such a wonderful father and mother who gave you the genes running as beautiful trait in your blood, I am very sure they're such a wonderfully made parents in a quote. Sometimes I asked myself if truly you're really from earth, like seriously, as a friend of yours I pondered, wondered and at times got mar


PONDER IT TWICE: LEADERSHIP STRENGTH STARTS FROM FAMILY LEVEL. The test for strength of a good leader begins at home, family level, friends, folks, course mates, society, community and till it extends to the world at large. Many leaders have failed to solve their family problems respectively due to their incapable potentials, but the funniest thing is that they go outside there to correct and control people, leaving their own primary test of leadership, their family in higgledy piggledy.  To solve family problems is one of the toughest thing in life, especially when it has to do with the issue of wealth sharing, likeness of a child than others, talent difference, position and choice of religion most times can be a storm. Family is one thing called "first learning institute" before it gets to university level and other means of education. The mother for example plays a huge role in making sure things are in normalcy here.  If we can be able to solve our family pro


PONDER IT TWICE: INCULCATE GOOD LEADERSHIP IDEAS.  Leaders were once followers, and followers will later become leaders. But not all followers will become a good leader (Mr. Egalitarian quote). If a leader follows a great path to lead people and work hard in making sure that the goals of his followers are achieved in the end, such a leader is a great leader.  Followers do one thing, they follow the foot steps of their respective leaders, and as a leader, inculcating good leadership skills into them should be your utmost priority. Your label as a leader is what your followers carry all around to show to the world, why not make it mind blowing? I don't care attitude does not make a good leader, because it may later boomerang and otherwise jeopardize the image of such a careless leader.  The responsibility of a good leader, say John C. Maxwell for example is far fetched to come by, but easy when one knows the right thing to do. Leaders always find a way of solving varieties


PONDER IT TWICE: SKILLS VARIES.  The creator of creatures has it all in many folds when it comes to skills distribution, dexterity to be precise and lots of abundant ones you could ever imagined.  It is impossible for skills to be as exact as for others, we can only see relative ones, maybe in soccer or what have we. People tends to copy others due to there lack of believe in themselves, which later on yield zero results.  Our ability to do many things haven't change a bit, but we try to change it with time because we haven't given it a try one bit. A practiced skill will generate a useful resources... Quote me anywhere!  Relax, it's Mr. Egalitarian.  👉I'm on a mission to liberate servitude with a view to letting potential leaders discover themselves...  Thrive with us! 👇 ~Fb page: Mr. Egalitarian World Motivates. ~Youtube: Mr. Egalitarian Motivates. ~Instagram@mregalitarianmotivates. ~Twitter@Kabeernaik [Mr. Egalitarian] ~blog:www.mregali


PONDER IT TWICE: TEAM WORK IS THE KEY TO GREATER ACHIEVEMENTS. Behold, the electoral committee team of the 2017/18 held election of the Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta student Union new Executives. The supreme students representative cabinet executives were highly saluted having shown a great level of leadership and violence free at the course of the election. The election was a success in a million success, and it took us all a lot of hard work and dedication to be able to put things together and logistics in other to achieve our goals. We did, we went, we saw and we conquered after all speculations that our using ballot papers wouldn't work. We had to apply the law of concentration and dedication, coupled with commitment. We did it in the end and we all rejoiced and celebrate the most peaceful election ever conducted in history of FUNAABSU at the Federal University of Agriculture Abeokuta. Although we experiencedu some hard moments which is normal in every end


PONDER IT TWICE: SPREAD YOUR KNOWLEDGE. Knowledge is a gift from the creator of creatures, which HE has given to many in folds without any discrimination of tribe, age, status and religion. Whatever angle we could have gained our present knowledge from, in other to make it valuable and useful to the society at large, we need to share it with as many people as our capacity can reach.  People who share knowledge, teach others of what they know will never forget, in fact, it makes them a professional in their respective area of taught. They're always sure in all ramifications because continually they've engaged themselves in teaching others to know better.  But it is so surprising in some other set of people who see knowledge as an asset to be kept in the bank. No! Don't do that please. Teach people please, because you were also taught to know and pass the information. Once you die now, and you never taught somebody what you knew, which could have saved the lives of