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Leaders were once followers, and followers will later become leaders. But not all followers will become a good leader (Mr. Egalitarian quote). If a leader follows a great path to lead people and work hard in making sure that the goals of his followers are achieved in the end, such a leader is a great leader. 

Followers do one thing, they follow the foot steps of their respective leaders, and as a leader, inculcating good leadership skills into them should be your utmost priority. Your label as a leader is what your followers carry all around to show to the world, why not make it mind blowing? I don't care attitude does not make a good leader, because it may later boomerang and otherwise jeopardize the image of such a careless leader. 

The responsibility of a good leader, say John C. Maxwell for example is far fetched to come by, but easy when one knows the right thing to do. Leaders always find a way of solving varieties of problem having sacrificed sometimes their own happiness. Leaders at times absorb pains in pretense to be okay, but underneath them, there is fire, a burning one. Inculcate good leadership ideas into your followers today and let the world long for such a wonderful gesture and dexterity of yours all the time. #ponderittwice #leadership #MrEgalitarian18/19 #Funaabite #Funaabarise #skill #dexterous #hardwork #strength #cooperation #teamwork #togetherness
Relax, it's Mr. Egalitarian. 

👉I'm on a mission to liberate servitude with a view to letting potential leaders discover themselves... 

Thrive with us! 👇
~Fb page: Mr. Egalitarian World Motivates. ~Youtube: Mr. Egalitarian Motivates. ~Instagram@mregalitarianmotivates.
~Twitter@Kabeernaik [Mr. Egalitarian] 
👉@mregalitarianmotivates, we motivate you to motivate others. Let's build a better world together.



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