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In the world today, technology has given birth to a computerised generation, a world built with social media.
It occurs to them like norms of life, but little have they known of the trauma, menace, mischiefs, immoralities, assaults and the likes they've caused on earth...hnnmm!!! Mr. Egalitarian. 
By the one who commands inks to caress the paper, I write...

~My cogitation:
Social media poison, a disease we must prevent before it gets worsen. Social media is beautiful as a medium of communication, networking, business, entertainment, information and connection with limitless strength. Social media is supposed to be used to educate people (using facebook, Instagram, twitter, youtube...) also with a view to developing the world through powerful connections between countries for better future.

Today, the value of social media has been questioned. Some set of people have made it a job to demoralise this generation through this medium, spreading pornographical pictures, expressing their nudity, displaying short films of mating adults including young lads, promoting films with 90% sexual immorality and tagging it as a "make belief" (nonsense). 

What baffles me most is that our culture, our real homage has been tarnished in recent times because our movie industry also have joined in spreading this immoral acts. We've taken other culture as ours instead of us to lift our culture for people to come learn from. Wake up Nigerians, wake up. 

Go online and search for number of rape cases happening across the sea daily, even in our locality. This is traceable to social media violence, brain torture, immoral ignorance disturbing us directly or indirectly through what we watch, the practice we've taken from there, our children, the teens, even the matured so called adults. 

The now generation have earned a lot of animalistic behaviour through this poison. You can't search for a keyword without seeing nude pictures displayed with the ads, even people now use their nude pictures as displayed pictures, gosh I'm so pained. 

Some set of people would say that they knew how to hold themselves together, what about countless population that can not do the same as you? Every single seen movies containing sexual immoralities will have effect on every home watching it, and in the end we hear things like brother to sister rape, father raping daughter,  daughters practising homosexuality, no moral obligation to protect them because we are involved in this act and like that the generation starts degenerating. 

We won't be able to stand firm before these kids anymore if we do not tackle this poison spreading every minute daily. We need to fight our own soul also, we need to detach our minds from this social media poison, because therein, one search brings you many options of it to watch. 

You put kids in the room, play films like "hot pants, naked house girl, naked this naked that" on YouTube and you think you're not abusing their sexual life in disguise? You're to blame when they start to practice what they've seen. 
Greatest Nigerians, we can prevent this poison from spreading in our various homes if we work together, #believe me. 

The world has progressed, social media is beautiful but gradually some set of people are turning it to poison. We can't afford to be part of this, together we can create a better generation by watching out on our children closely with wisdom, educate and empower them on sexual immoralities eradication, give them a reasons to stand out from corrupt minded kids out there, let them know that they've got the morality, individuality figure with the ability to connect with positive influential people who have used social media in making a huge success, continue to remind this generation through every social media platform with the hash tag #stopsocialmediapoison.

I have got many things to say but believe me, it is not how long a message is but the meaningful and useful content it has. Many things have gone wrong through this social media poison in which you and I know much about but we've been keeping mute. But know this, if we keep mute today, our generation's pride will be muted forever.

Let's build a better Nigeria, a better world, a world where our children can stand out to defend themselves when immoralities arise. I remembered our leaders would always say that "the youth are the leaders of tomorrow. Now, I just want to say that the youth are the leaders of now! Stand up Nigerians, let's tackle this poison to create a better now.  #stopthepoisoning #betterfuture #empowerment #bettergeneration #stoptheassaults #socialviolence #vicesinvecegerant #youthempowerment #moralobligation. 

~I'm on a mission to liberate servitude with a view to letting potential leaders discover themselves...

Thrive with us! @
~Facebook page: Mr. Egalitarian World Motivates. 
~YouTube: Mr. Egalitarian motivates
~Instagram: Mr. Egalitarian Motivates. 
~Twitter: Mr. Egalitarian @Kabeernaik. 

Cc: Every social media users across the globe. 



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