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Agriculture contributes at all levels in a man’s daily activities. Either directly or indirectly, people, goods, offices, companies, private sectors, communities, and the likes of other unseen activities across the universe rotate around the orbit of agriculture. No matter how you want to view it at all levels, agricultural contribution to the growth and development of a country through food provision and shelter alone is one thing you wouldn’t want to push aside. The use of cassava pills to erect buildings in modern technique of house construction is an amazing invention, all thanks to agricultural products and fabulous Agriculturists across the globe who could see beyond electron microscope.

Now, Let’s Talk About FPY Chronicles.

The acronym FPY means Farm Practical Year, and to break it down, it simply means that the year has been designed for agricultural practices for a defined level (4th year in the University) to levitate agricultural importance and build a structure where people could have enough and better understanding of what they’ve been writing and reading since their inception into the university of agriculture through frequent daily practices. The farm practical year is solely for efficient practice throughout the period and a very promising one at that.

The word chronicles simply means a written account of events and when they happened (annals, archives, chronicon, diary, history, journal, narration, prehistory, recital, record, recountal, register, report, story, version…) ordered by time. We could simply say a creation of record base on written facts.

To achieve this great movement, FPY students of 2017/18 set have to work together with the sole aim of laying a solid foundation for the upcoming ones, letting them have a good mindset about agriculture and the FPY as a whole, correcting the fact that the farm practical year is not a year of movies and freebies but a year to bring to existence the real practice of agriculture with our bare hands, and also to engage ourselves in practicing the real agriculture as a bonafide educated young farmer.  

 Being the first of its kinds, FPY chronicles will be a source of empowerment to every student who participates with full commitment and dedication to work hard as a team but not individual inclination, as we all know that togetherness is the key to achieving set of goals in life, and it goes a long way in helping us all.
We are going to have batch representatives at all locations that will lead the team and make sure proper records are taken at each sections or work done units. The use of cameras for video shoots, photos of activities on the farm and the likes of other things done on the farm will be put to record in collation at the end of everyday activities and the unit representatives will collate the results of the day.
We want people to see us as leaders of today and as agriculturists with clear vision and passion for the economy. We want to reduce the rate of negative believes in agriculture in various students’ minds and also increase the rate at which youths will be interested in studying agriculture.
We need cooperation, togetherness, unity, commitment, understanding and willingness to achieve this movement. 


You can follow the movement on various social media using the hashtag above....#FPYCHRONICLES2018๐Ÿ”บ๐Ÿ”บ๐Ÿ”บ๐Ÿ”บ๐Ÿ”บ

Thrive with us! 
I am on a mission to liberate servitude and menial character in today youths with a view to letting them believe in their respective capabilities in various societies through empowerment programmes on this platform and various social media platforms.

 Facebook|Instagram|LinkedIn|Twitter|YouTube...all @ Mr. Egalitarian World Motivates


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