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Internet, any set of computer networks that communicate using the internet protocol.
What about Internet presence? We can say that it is the online part of an organization, normally including a website, and often links from social networking sites or directories.

About 4.2 billion people are using internet today, and that's more than half of the world's population. People are surfing the
internet to add values to themselves every microseconds of their lives, spending at least 10hrs daily and minimum of 10mins on a session.
The rapid increase in digital space shows that five years from now, 85% of the world would be online. More jobs would be lost due to advancement in technology.
The youths need orientation and education on how to use effectively the internet and make sure they apply it well.

Gone were days when people would go online to surf the net and still have plenty of time to chill out with their families. But in recent world as technology improves, people don't go online anymore, instead, they live online. To them it's a good thing but they've failed to understand the chaos it is causing in their respective homes and to the society at large. Hmmm!!! Mr. Egalitarian.

For the fact that you're doing many things online doesn't actually mean you're getting a lot done. This is really a world problem, a problem that needs a hundred and one percent attention of many positive minds to solve it. If the world is changing through machines innovation, human moral obligation towards their loved ones and families shouldn't change. Should we say that the idea of making online markets exist, business online, online universities, transactions, enquiries and other online based activities which make our daily activities faster and easier with the newest of technology are not good or are totally obsolete? Of course no! But the level at which it is being misused, abused and addicted to is a major problem and challenges a lot of people are facing in the world today.

Imagineine if a person could spend almost half of his day chatting, trying to find who's online? Imagine a family on a dinning table eating and the whole place just feel dull like nobody is there, right there on the dinning table, all because at that moment they were all busy with their phones, living online and chatting away time and joy meant for the family. There's is a biology in this thing that has to do with addictive act just like alcohol, cigarette, gambling and the likes. People have to really understand if they're actually using their devices or their devices are using them.

According to John C. Maxwell, he says;
What makes you comfortable sometimes can ruin you and what makes you uncomfortable can build you up.
Take also the words of Denzel Washington, he says; If you read not you're not informed and if you get too much of information you may be misinformed, and that's the unseen effect of too much information, especially on the internet. People don't care about what they want to post online, whether it hurts the masses or not, whether it's gonna affect the society and the likes, people only want to be heard, either the information is true or not, they just want to post it first, they just want to sell it, have many likes. Why don't you learn how to tell the truth when you're writing? Lies can't go for years, people will definitely know about it one day and you'll be sorry.

Don't be diverted, many pictures will come
your way but you've got to be committed to a specific task you're handling online and be time conscious on it. You also have to schedule time for other programs too, okay?
I think you need to ask yourself the questions below firstly;
1. What do u engage your internet with?
2. What's the effect of your message on the masses?
3. How do you make use of privacy and security settings on your sites?
4. Internet issues and experiences online discuss, how often do you educate yourself?
5. Posting to emails, targeting audiences on groups and larger media traffics, what are people gaining from it.
6. Staying smart online does not mean lying to make your presence well felt.
7. Incredible ideas are out there but lack motivation, how many of your post has positive positive impact on people?

What you are and what you become depends on how you use your time. The billionaire and the beggar are both making use of 24hrs. It depends now on who controls the time very well because you can't just stop the time from moving but can only control how you follow it.

Go for Online opportunities that will add values to your life and save your time, especially the youths.
Free online programs for the youths includes;
•Google digital skill online for Africa.
•Google online digital marketing programs.
•Online marketing, online education, online trainings, even if you wanna get married, it's all there online, but with the right approach. And other online available programs that teach morals and save time.

Thrive with us!
I am on a mission to eradicate menial act in youths with a view to letting them believe in themselves. Let's create job opportunities for the youths, so that the rate of crime in the world will be highly reduced. 

#life #people #inspiration #success #confidence #motivation #Internetvirus #youthcorner #youtheducation #MrEgalitarian



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