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Everybody is born for a purpose, but the greatest challenge of all is finding our purpose, capabilities, energy and ultimate drive to achieve our dreams in life. Many people have lost faith in themselves, confidence and courage to continue, all because they have given up for good, not knowing that it was for the worse. The question should be why should I give up if I really want to make it like others? 

Many have turn goals into their own hands, giving it a different meaning and a different direction of thought. You're familiar with these set of people, they're with you, they live around you, you dine with them but you mute for them. The definition of making it has been vandalized, traumatized and misconcepted, hence, goal faking. We can't just dabble into the topic for today just by saying the characteristics, functions and ways of making it alone but we have to take us through the origin and how it has rapidly been developing into fakes and original. 

Before you think of giving up, think and reflect on where you where, where you've been, where you are right now, where and what you have wanted to be and where you're going to. Many people have lost their vibes today because they felt they're not worth a person (made of flesh like you), can't work for or with such a big organization (as if it is in heaven), can't compete in a context (like the once competing dropped from the sky high), in short, low self esteem they think of themselves. This is automatically saying that you're of no use to mankind and the world generally. 

Let me take your mind back to those days in secondary school where you were the fastest reader, writer, singer, actor, name it all yourselves.... What happened to that dream in we believe is childhood fantasy but a reflection of what is coming? Many things you've known how to do but you're yet to sit yourself down and ruminate, then make moves. All what we are good at is copying other thinkers concept; you want to be like them, you want to walk, talk, jump, run, eat, cloth, dance, smile and do almost everything like them. This is not mentoring, it is failure in one aspect of life. 

Do you know that your two greatest enemies in life are you and you? This is because, you choose who to be with, who to work with, play with, spend time with and do everything with. You create your destiny with your own body, hands, mind and soul with your being. The will to continue and the love you have for your career is one of the elements that illuminates your passion for what you love. Let me take you to passion understanding as follows; 
1. Passion is a result. 
2. Passion is energy. 
3. Passion is doing things for free. 
4. Passion is the feeling you have when you're enjoying what you do. 
5. Passion is doing what you enjoy. 


1. They want the outcome more than they want to obtain a skill.
How many people do you know that speak often of something prestigious they want to be, and yet never actually take the necessary steps in order to become that very thing? A lot.

Human beings love to fall in love with the idea of something grand. We love the thought of being a famous tech entrepreneur, far more than we love sitting in a dark room for years on end learning how to code. And what happens when that first road block is reached? Failure is assumed and the whole path is given up entirely. Because knowledge and mastery over a skill wasn't the driving force--the shiny reward at the end was.

2. They care too much about what people think (and fear judgment in failure).
It's what people do to avoid the fear of rejection. You see, by sabotaging yourself, you can see the failure coming ahead of time. You can prepare for it. You can make up a whole story about how it wasn't your fault. And all of that is much safer than putting it all on the line and giving the world a front row seat.

People give up because they fear what other people will think if they fail.

3. They mistake failure for lessons learned.
The best goal-setters know that failure is nothing more than a lesson in disguise. In fact, a quote I live by is, "Never mistakes, always lessons, forever masters." This is the motto for the path of true mastery.
Those that give up on their goals, however, treat failure as a label. "I've failed," they repeat to themselves over and over, entirely missing the opportunity right in front of their eyes.
It's only a failure if you see it that way. To everyone else succeeding, it's nothing more than a hard-earned lesson.

4. They would rather throw in the towel than pivot.
Find me one company that knew exactly what it was going to be in every way, shape, and form from the onset. It doesn't exist.
That's because companies, brands, ideas, and visions are not stationary ships. They are not constructed at a table in advance and then brought to life in exact form. They evolve over time, they grow, they gather feedback and adjust.
People who give up on their goals stay entirely too attached to what their vision was at the onset, unwilling to compromise with the new information their journey has provided. They would rather chalk it all up as a failed venture than take what they've learned along the way, apply it, and allow their idea to change shape.
In short: they can't let go of their original expectation.

5. They do not have the discipline to stick with their idea long enough to see it live.
Everybody wants to be "the idea guy" (or girl). Everybody wants to walk into the room, listen for five minutes, shout out a crazy thought, and then drop the mic and leave. Very few people want to get in the weeds and bring that idea to life.
The reason is because being in the weeds is hard work. You have to get your hands dirty. You have to really, really know your stuff. You have to embrace the unknown every single day, and push forward regardless of what challenges arise.
Most of the time, people give up on their goals simply because they lack discipline. They can't get themselves to see something through to the end, regardless of how small the project. They haven't yet cultivated the habits required to work not just on the days they feel inspired, but the days they feel uninspired as well.

6. They get distracted by what someone else is doing.
Entrepreneurs are notorious for wanting to build the company someone else is building successfully.
In an analogy, people give up eating what's on their plate because they want what they see on someone else's. Especially when what you're looking at appears to be an easier-to-execute business model (which it rarely, if ever, is), it can be so easy to be distracted.
What this leads to is a lack of patience, which encourages a lack of discipline, which only speeds up the process of your giving up.

7. They don't believe in themselves enough.
And of course, the most overused but brutally true cliché known to man: the fastest route to abandoning your goals is a lack of self belief.
Mindset is everything, and without an iron clad and positive frame of mind, you will fail. That's just the cold hard truth of it all. No matter how talented you are, no matter how many opportunities are handed to you on a silver platter, if you lack belief in yourself you will find a way to squander it all.

On the flip-side, those with a finely tuned mindset prepared to endure can and will see an idea through to its success. An average person with average skill sets but a persistent mind can make it past the finish line. A talented individual with no self belief cannot.
If any of the above resonate with you, I highly suggest you question how you can begin forming positive habits to shift its direction.

Success is yours for the taking.


Hear these bit of tips first;
If nobody hates you, nobody knows you
your happiness and your life are your responsibilities alone. 
you can do more if you think you can, self doubt is a problem. 
action is the only thing that really defines a person, not only reading. 
Procrastination, I will do it tomorrow is a real problem. You'll just find out tomorrow never comes. 
The best way to recover from pain is to endure it. 

Now, the more reason you shouldn't give up are as follows;

  1. You're closer to your success than you think, you're just a step there. 
  2. You haven't tried everything yet, try other stuffs that work. 
  3. Stay committed to what you do and things you're good at. 
  4. Past failure doesn't determine the future, they restrict confidence. 
  5. It is better to die trying than giving up, when you start to give up, that's death of ambition. 
  6. If you give up, then what? 
  7. Right before success, there's a dark place. 
  8. Your future is great. You're your own designer of greatness, stay strong and never give up until you get there.  
You're a champion. 



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